The Power of Words

Sunday, October 13th

What practical steps can we take to improve our listening skills with each other?  

Choose one step to focus on this week.

Suggestion for Improving Listening:
-Set phones and screens to the side during conversations.
-Make eye contact with the person speaking to you to show attentiveness.
-Avoid interrupting each other.
-Ask questions to make sure you understand what another person is saying. Avoid making assumptions.

When does it become challenging for you to choose words of life over negativity (ex: when you are tired, overwhelmed, busy, etc.)? How can we support one another as a family so our home has an atmosphere of life-giving conversation?

If negativity has become the norm, know God’s mercies are new each day and this week is a week for your family to start fresh! Take time to apologize for any negativity and be determined to fill your home with words of life and peace!

Set aside some time to encourage and uplift each other as a family this week.

Have everyone take a minute to share something they appreciate or admire about each family member.